Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Biking revisited

Hello Everyone,

Another successful day in Benin! Despite the challenges of biking yesterday, Heidi and I bravely and decidedly jumped on our bikes again this morning. I’m pleased to say there were no falls today, and in general the ride was smoother than yesterday. Especially riding home after class I was struck by how biking is so typical of all my experiences here; scary and also fun at first, and I slowly but steadily feel more comfortable and confident. I also feel like I am constantly learning new things; how best to avoid that puddle, who has the right of way, how fast I can go here, etc. etc. All in all, it’s really nice to be getting ourselves around (probably safer and definitely cheaper!). I have to hand it to Heidi for getting her host brother to teach her the back roads route to Songhai (where we often have class). Heidi gets the gold star for initiative on this one.

For class today we had some language work, and some information for all trainees. It’s is fun to see the new Beninese outfits being sported every time we all get together. I was especially happy for my friend Amber, who now has a beautiful Beninese outfit after toughing it out with just one skirt for the last three weeks!

In my host family, the oldest brother Gerard (Jeh-rar) got sick to his stomach this evening. I hope he feels better, and that it isn’t anything serious!

Short note tonight, to compliment yesterday’s long one.

Thanks for reading!
With love,

1 comment:

  1. Dear Laurs: Just wanted to comment that it certainly is fun reading these posts. They are just so detailed and interesting and, for me, certainly make me feel more a part of your daily life. Thanks for doing such a great job at this.

    Rather than email this time, I'll just jot a short update here. All's well. Work today wasn't too bad for a change. Paula was in and we just get along so well that it makes the day a lil nicer. Patients only, no surgery which is also a relaxing change.

    Temperature today was topped out near 100 I think with a very high, near 100 heat/humidity index. Another reason to be glad to be at work. If I was off today, I'd certainly be doing errands or something.

    Meg is at a camp in West Oxford (am gonna look that up on google maps) for the week with a friend from Wheelock. I'm sure she will have stories to tell from that experience.

    Kever has baseball tonight, poor kid. Would they not cancel that game due to the heat? Really? He also worked today. I tried to check in on him cuz was a lil worried about the terrible heat. Of course he was fine (and a little annoyed by my over-mothering).

    Got home tonight to an empty house and made black bean burger with veges and had made some quinoa with brown rice over the weekend so had that as well. Was missing by bocca burger/black bean burger buddy Laurenee:)

    Was thinking today that I bet it is more intolerably hot here right now than it is for you!

    Ok, for a few questions:

    What next? And when? Meaning, how long do you stay with the host family and how will you transition to post. When will you know where you will be going? Is there any possibility of being in a village with a fellow volunteer or are you definitely going to be dropped off by yourself? Is there any buzz about the villages and what that will be like and if you will have internet connections at all? Mom still wears the "worry ahead" crown:)

    Dad has a book for you and I have a couple of ideas of other things I'd like to send so I'll get another goodie box together soon. Is there anything here that you want me to send for the family? for the boys?

    Just realizing this maybe too long. will try to post now. xoxo mum
