Wednesday, October 27, 2010

DC for Quad break

Hello All,

Over Quad break I went on a road trip adventure with my friends Amy and Briana. it is my intention to use this blog for many of my travels. For that reason, I am posting a very brief account of our travels here. I hope you enjoy it!

Ok, Wednesday night at 2 am I gave up looking for the passport and texted Amy and Briana saying sorry, driving to Canada was a no-go, but I would meet them at 8 am like we planned anyway.
I went next door to their apartment in the morning and Briana had just gotten out of the shower where she had made a new plan: her sister lives in Philadelphia and her aunt and Uncle live in DC. She figured we could go visit them. Amy and I both said it sounded good. In 15 minutes we had our stuff packed, another 15 and we had gathered up all of the non-perishable food we had. We switched cars with Meg for the Prius and were on our way. And then we called Briana's aunt and sister! Fortunately they both said we could stay with them.

Thursday around 4 we got to Philly and hung out with Briana's sister and the 8 friends she lives with. They have a very fun casual scene going on. We got to walk down Baltimore Avenue during their "Dollar stroll" and get a five course meal for five dollars!

Friday we drove to DC. Briana's aunt and uncle took us out to dinner and to see the monuments lit up at night. After that the three of us went out dancing. The next day we went to the Museum of American History, Capitol Hill, and to see the play Shear Madness at the Kennedy Center (bought the tickets 20 min before the show). Sunday we got up, had a balanced breakfast and drove and drove, and drove.