Monday, February 13, 2012

Machete Lessons

Here we are on the brink of week three! The beginning is almost over! Here are a couple of lessons that I have been learning over the last week or so:

Give it a full swing:
So I have been learning to use some tools that I previously had very little exposure to. Chief among these are the machete, hatchet, and O-o bar (a big metal pole that you throw/drop into the ground to make a hole). After the first day of using some of these tools Craig said, "I notice you can be sort of delicate with your work" (Side note: I appreciate that he chooses such positive wording. He also says that I have a very "fresh" perspective). I have been a little tentative with these tools. I realized I'm not really accustomed to fully extending my arms for a good downward swipe, for example. I'm not really used to fully extending my body. I got to dig several holes for tea trees today, which was good practice with the O-o bar. I can still get better at fully exerting myself.

Weeding vines:
I have spent a good chunk of time weedin vines. Craig and I agree that you really could use up all of the intern hours just pulling up vines. That means we kind of have to chose our battles. You can do a pretty good sweep over an area, but some of the deep strong roots will still sprout more vines in a few months. However, every time you weed out the vines they get a little weaker, as log as you stay after them.

I won't make analogies with everything I am learning on the farm, but I think this translates really well to dealing with our hang-ups. There needs to be a balance of diligence in really trying to better ourselves and also patience knowing that significant long lasting change takes a long time. Anyway, it's a good way to justify weeding!

Hand saws are not for big trees:
This week I was pruning, and I had this 7" diameter tree that I needed to take down. I started cutting it with my hand saw and even though the handsaw was bending a little bit, I kept going. Sooner than not, I chipped about a half inch off the tip of the saw. I felt very frustrated and a little dumb. Still, I changed my tree-demolition tactics and I did finish taking down the tree successfully. Craig was very cool about the damage to the saw. He said he expects some wear and tear to happen. Learning experience!

So! What new lessons and challenges will this week hold? Only time will tell. In the mean time, good food, good views, and good internet! :)

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laurs: great post. fun to read what you are doing. I'm glad you are delicate with the tools. Very classy:) And your vine weeding analogy is right on, how true. Been busy as usual. Have been a little under the weather for last couple of days. I know, unusual huh? I think I stupidly drank some old iced tea with rotten lemons from the frig at work and got food poisoned. Got sick at work. Stayed anyway. Got sick at home and had a rough night. Worked today anyway. Feel tired and weak. Kever at hockey and he's doing well. Am missing you and it's pretty great that you are almost at the 1/2 way point:) not much else. Kev and I went to church. I guess I did tell you that it was about John the Baptist. Ok sweetie. I like it when you send pictures:) ttysoon. luv u. xo mum
