Monday, May 27, 2013

Jounrees Culturelles

Hello Everyone!

I hope things are going well for you and yours. Last night I got to talk to my Aunt Eileen, Uncle Gary, and my cousin Seamus who were all visiting Boston. It was so good to get to talk to them and hear how things are!

It’s been a good, if scattered week here. Tuesday and Wednesday I visited the workstation in Kandi. I got some work done, and got to visit with Alyssa, who also recently visited home. I also got to reunite with my second bag from my trip home. Taking two suitcases full of stuff (and a cat) back into Founougo seemed like too much, so I left one bap with Peace Corps for later. It was so exciting to finally get to that bag. I finally was able to enjoy the incredibly thoughtful birthday gift Megan made for me, in addition to treats from home like a shower bag and recent Time Magazines.

Inspired by my new winnings and some internet perusing, when I got back to my house in Founougo, I did a major reorganization session.  I finally set up a ‘bathroom sink area’ with my nice mirror, all my toiletries, and a large bowl for water, all on what used to be an entrance way table. I also hung up the pictures I got from Meg while at home. I’m really happy with the changes and the neighbors were pretty impressed too. They love the pictures Meg sent of the students and campers that she has worked with.

All that said, coolest thing that happened this week was yet to come. On Friday and Saturday the C.E.G. or secondary school held it’s annual ‘Jounees Culturelles’; which is a lot like field day. Friday morning a big procession of students paraded through town lead by a drummer and several students dressed as wise old men. Then there were games like Jeopardy and a game like ‘pin the tail on the donkey’ where students tried to pick prizes, and a game where you tried to kick a soccer ball through a tire. All the while there was music and dancing. In the afternoon there was a soccer game between the teachers and students, and Camille (who is my postmate, and and English teacher at the CEG) got to play in the game! She even got the honor of kicking the ball to start the game. I took pictures and was proud. It was really hot and sunny, I don’t know if I could do that! The teachers and students both played impressively well and it was fun and funny to be sitting at a high school sporting event again.

There was supposed to be dancing in the evening, but it looked like it was going to rain (and eventually it did) so things broke up a little early. The next day I was feeling a little sick and wound up spending the day resting at home.

I needed the rest, but I also knew I would thank myself on Sunday, when I hopped from my morning church service, to afternoon service at a friend’s church near Banikoara, with lots of food and visiting in between. All of it was really enjoyable, and I am glad I had a little rest going into it.

Those are the major news updates here this week. I hear exciting things are happening in hockey for Bruins and Pens fans. Enjoy those games, obviously they have the two best teams in them!

Thanks for reading, I am grateful to get to share this experience with you!
With Love,

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