Thursday, March 22, 2012

The End in Sight

Hello faithful blog readers!

It has been a while, hasn't it? I guess that is a symptom of being settled in. Let me try to give you some updates.

In the time between the last post and this one I hit that point of settled in mediocrity. It was just like after the first week of school when you stop wearing perfectly color coordinated outfits, and re-reading your class notes, and switch into 'just doing what you need to' mode. My clothes started getting a little dirtier, the floor of my cabin really needed to be swept, and the dishes that I have fought so valiantly against, finally started to pile up in the sink. Fortunately, with a weekend and some added motivation from good strides in my research project, I have mostly turned that around.

Throughout the internship I have been researching and devising a research project. It has been a challenge to come up with something original, but I think I have done it. I'm not going to tell you about it now though, because I want to show it to you all when it is finished! Then you can assess it with minimal preconceived notions.

Currently, I have to say I am very motivated about the research project, very much enjoying my friends here, and also very excited to be coming home in less than two weeks! It's been good hard work and learning hear in Hawaii, and I really have been met with a lot of blessings. I can't be grateful enough for the people who have been willing to give me rides (even with these gas prices) and the friends that I have gotten to play Bubble talk at 2 am in Denny's with. What more can you want really?

At the same time, I am so excited to see my family, my friends, Boston, and all my familiar things. I'm lucky to have this time to be at home, and just really enjoy all of that.

As for Benin, I am getting more excited about it every day. Leaving is going to be really difficult, and I know transitioning to life in Benin will be challenging. But the closer I get to it, the more excited I am to get to meet the other volunteers, carve out a life for myself in West Africa, and find creative ways to love on people. I think I have been spending a lot of time trying to be aware and prepared for the challenges of the transition. That is important, but I think I can stand to spend some time envisioning all the things that could go so amazingly well. I look forward to sharing all of that with you.

Ok, gotta get back to work. Thanks for reading (and for all the supportive messages!!)

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